Quante strade in sampietrini ci sono a Roma?

Extension of Sampietrini pavements (in red) within the urban road network of Rome.

A Roma, la percentuale della rete stradale urbana caratterizzata dalla pavimentazione in Sampietrini è piuttosto bassa (circa 2%), ma presenta comunque un’intera estensione pari a circa 100 km, che non può essere trascurata in un PMS (Pavement Management System) adeguato e ottimizzato.
Inoltre, queste pavimentazioni non solo costituiscono un importante patrimonio storico della città di Roma, ma si trovano anche nelle zone più visitate e prestigiose di Roma.

Although the percentage of the urban road network characterized by Sampietrini pavement is 
pretty low (about2%), it presents a whole extension equal to about 100km, which cannot be neglected
inanappropriate and optimized PMS (Pavement Management System).
Furthermore, the aforementioned pavements not only constitute
an importan thistoric heritage of the city of Rome, but they are also located in the most visited and 
prestigious areas of Rome.


Extension of Sampietrini pavements (in red) within the urban road network of Rome.
Extension of Sampietrini pavements (in red) within the urban road network of Rome.


Sampietrini Stone Pavements: Distress Analysis Using Pavement Condition Index Method
Pablo Zoccali, Giuseppe Loprencipe and Andrea Galoni
Department of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome